The Standard of the English Bulldog

FCI Standard n°149 / 10.01.2011

ORIGIN: Great Britain

UTILIZATION: Deterrent and companion dog FCI CLASSIFICATION: Group 2 Pinscher and Schnauzer Molossian type dogs and Swiss cattle dogs

Section 2.1 Molossian of Mastiff type

Without proof of work


The Bulldog was first classified as such in 1630, although there are earlier hints of similar types with reference to "bandogs" (or Pitt bulls), a term reserved today for a type of fighting dog. Originally used for bullfighting, the Bulldog fought its way through arenas and after 1835 began to evolve into the stockier, shorter-snouted version we know now. He entered the exhibition rings in 1860, and the following years saw his great personality change. A deliciously ugly dog with the expression of a boxer, which masks a lovable and affectionate nature with family and friends. One of the oldest indigenous breeds, known as the National Dog of Great Britain, and associated worldwide with British determination and the legendary John Bull.


Short-haired, relatively stocky, rather short in stature, broad, powerful and compact. Head rather large for size, but not excessive to the point of altering general symmetry, or making the dog appear deformed, or interfering with its ability to move. Relatively short face, broad muzzle, trunk and turned slightly upwards, but not excessively. Dogs exhibiting highly undesirable breathing difficulties. Relatively short body, well built, strong limbs; well muscled and robust with no tendency to obesity. High and strong hindquarters. Females are not large or as developed as males.


It brings together the impression of determination, strength and activity. Smart, bold, loyal, obedient, courageous, proud-looking, but of an affectionate nature.


Viewed from the side, the head appears very high and moderately short from the back to the tip of the nose. Flat forehead, with skin on and around the head slightly loose and with fine wrinkles, without exaggeration, neither protruding nor overhanging the muzzle. The face from the cheekbones to the nose is relatively short, with the skin that may be slightly wrinkled. The distance from the inner corner of the eye (or from the center of the stop between the eyes) to the extreme tip of the nose must not be less than the distance between the tip of the nose and the edge of the lower lip.


CRANIUM elatively wide in circumference. Seen from the front, it appears high from the angle of the lower jaw to the apex of the skull; also wide and square. From the stop, a groove extends to the middle of the skull and is visible up to its apex. STOP defined.


Seen from the front, the different features of the muzzle must be equally balanced on both sides of an imaginary line that passes through the center. Naso Nose and nostrils wide, broad and black, in no case liver, red or brown. Wide, wide open nostrils, with a straight vertical line well defined between them. Muzzle - short, broad, turned upwards and very deep from the corner of the eye to that of the mouth. The wrinkle on the nose, if present, whole or broken, must never interfere in a negative way or obscure the eyes or nose. Too narrow nostrils and heavy wrinkles above the nose are unacceptable and should be heavily penalized. Lips Upper lips thick, broad, and drooping, covering the lower jaw at the sides, but at the front they join the lower ones. The teeth are not visible. Jaws / Teeth: Jaws broad, strong and square; on the front the lower one protrudes slightly from the upper one and is moderately turned upwards. Jaws - broad and square with six small incisors between the canines, arranged evenly. The canines are well spaced. Teeth – large and strong, not visible when the mouth is closed. Viewed from the front, the lower jaw is directly under the upper and parallel. Cheeks - well rounded and extended laterally beyond the eyes. Eyes - viewed from the front, located low in the skull, well away from the ears. Eyes and stop on the same straight line, which forms a right angle with the frontal suture. They are spaced apart, but the outer corners are within the outline of the cheeks. Round in shape, of medium size, neither sunken nor protruding, very dark in color - almost black - showing no white when the dog looks straight ahead. Free from obvious eye problems. Ears – - set high; that is, the front edge of each ear (when viewed from the front) joins the line of the skull at its upper edge, so that the ears are as far apart as possible, as high and as far away from the eyes as possible. Small and thin; corrected the "rose" bearing, that is, the ears fold inwards in their rear part, and the upper front edge curves outwards and backwards, revealing part of the ear canal.


of moderate length, very thick, deep and strong. Well arched at the top, with some loose, thick, folded skin around the throat, so as to form a slight dewlap on each side.


Topline - alls slightly behind the shoulders (this is the lowest part of the dog) and then rises towards the loin (highest point, above the withers), then curving sharply again towards the tail, thus forming a slight arch, which it is a distinguishing feature of the breed. BACK - short, strong, broad at the shoulders. Chest - broad, prominent and high. Ribs well sprung towards the back. Sternum round and very deep. Well lowered between the forelegs. Ribs not flat, but well rounded) Bottom line Belly – belly tucked up and not sagging.


inserted low, it stretches out rather straight, and then curves downwards. Round, smooth and without fringes or coarse hair. Moderate in length - rather short than long - thick at the root, tapering quickly to a fine tip. Carriage down (without having a strong upward curve at the end) and never carried above the back. Lack of tail, inverted or extremely tight tails are undesirable.


FRONT General appearance short in relation to the hind limbs, but not so short as to make the back appear long, or interfere with the movement of the dog. Shoulders - broad, oblique and deep, very powerful and muscular; they give the impression of being "nailed" to the body. Elbow – Low and set well apart from the ribs. Forearm – very sturdy and strong limbs, well developed, set wide apart, large, muscular and straight, with broad and straight bones not crooked or curved. Pasterns – short, straight and strong. Front feet – straight and turned very slightly outwards; of medium size and moderately round. Fingers compact and thick, well separated, with protruding and high joints.

BACK - General appearance – road and muscular, slightly longer than the forelegs. Long and muscular limbs from loin to hock. Knee – urned very slightly outwards. Hock – Slightly angled hocks, well let down. Back feet – round and compact. Fingers compact and thick, well separated, with protruding and high joints.


It comes with short and quick steps on tiptoe, with the hind feet not too raised that seem to touch the ground; the dog walks with one shoulder or the other rather forward. The solidity of the movement is of the utmost importance.


HAIR – of fine texture, short, dense and smooth (the sensation of hardness is obtained only because it is short and dense, not because it is rough). COLOUR - one color or "smut" (ie one color with black mask or black muzzle). The only uniform colors allowed (which should be bright and pure): brindle, reds with various shades, fawns, light fawns etc., mottled whites (for example: combinations of white with any of the permitted shades). Flesh color, black color, and black and tan are extremely undesirable.


Males 25 kg Females 23 kg


Any deviation from the aforementioned characteristics must be considered as a defect and the severity with which the defect must be judged must be in proportion to its severity and its effects on the health and well-being of the dog. Judges are requested to adhere strictly to this standard and consider the following defects: ELIMINATING DEFECTS 1. Aggressive or overly shy dog 2. Any dog exhibiting physical or behavioral abnormalities will be disqualified.

N.B. Males must have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum
