Pyometra is a serious disease that affects females due to an infection of the uterus. This syndrome leads to the accumulation of pus in the reproductive organ and to a state of toxicosis in the animal (due to the toxins produced by the bacteria that cause the disease). Manifestation: pyometra tends to manifest itself commonly in the period immediately following the heat, in more or less young specimens, without distinction of races. Sometimes there is a discharge from the vulva (foul-smelling), other times the pyometry is closed; in the second case, the purulent material remains inside the uterus and the owner does not notice anything different on the reproductive system. Symptoms: Depression, lack of appetite and, above all, increased thirst and diuresis (urination), sometimes vomiting or diarrhea, may occur in general. If the diagnosis is early, drug therapy can be tried, with good hopes of success, but in many cases surgery is required to remove the uterus. Pyometra is a serious pathology which, if neglected, can also lead to the death of the dog: for this reason the symptoms should never be underestimated in females of childbearing age.
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