Bulldogs still suffer from ingrown tail diseases all too often. Despite the changes implemented to the standard, in which it is considered a "very serious defect", still today we see some bulldogs that present it and this is due to the fact that for years no one has ever looked at the tail in the selection activity. Even if for some years the breeders who make selection have considered the queue as a priority, they are still reaping the fruits of the "non-selection" made in the past years. To explain in simple words what an ingrown tail is, just give a small example: put your thumb and ring forefinger passing under your dog's tail, if you can, your bulldog's tail is not ingrown. In general, ingrown tails always have some problems that can be of varying severity: from the simple need for local daily cleaning and disinfection, to the need for periodic courses of antibiotics and systemic anti-inflammatories, to the most serious case which involves surgery for the tail amputation. Local antibacterials are recommended for daily cleaning (chlorhexidine is the most used, but also washing with betadine germicidal soap); Sometimes local application of an anti-inflammatory is necessary, such as Gentalyn beta, which has a small percentage of cortisone (to be applied only in the absence of skin lesions / ulcerations). The discomfort caused by the ingrown tail is manifested by local itching: the bulldog tries to scratch himself, whirling around and trying to rub his back on the floor.
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