Otohematoma is a fairly common pathology in bulldogs and seems to depend on the high number of otitis episodes that seem to afflict our dogs, in particular ear infections from malassezia. Otohematona is almost always a consequence of trauma (the dog that often scratches itself and / or violently bangs / crawls its head / ear against different surfaces). This pathology is therefore very common even in allergic subjects who tend to scratch. The mechanism of formation of the otohematoma is simple: due to the continuous scratching or rubbing, the blood vessels inside the auricle break and a swelling, more or less large, forms (it can be the size of a small ball or have the shape of a sausage). Veterinarians tend to perform a small operation to insert a drainage into the ear as the serum continues to be produced for some time. If the surgery is done well and on time, the ear heals completely and resumes its normal shape. Total anesthesia and the insertion of the Elisabeth collar are required for the operation to prevent the dog from removing the drainage. You can also decide not to intervene surgically and proceed with the removal of the serum by syringing the ear which, if this solution is chosen, remains a little thickened; apart from this the result is identical. In this way there is no need for anesthesia or a collar but you need to be well prepared in the procedure to be performed, so it is advisable to first talk to your veterinarian. Finally, it is also necessary to treat otitis, if present.
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