Our bulldogs often suffer from acne-related problems. The triggering factors of this pathology consist of a high concentration of sebaceous glands and increased levels of circulating androgens. Staphylococcus-type bacteria can be isolated in the affected parts.
It is a disease that frequently affects young dogs, from three months to one year of age, and only in exceptional cases does it persist in adults. The lesions are limited to the chin and lip area and papules and pustules are noted. Diagnosis is made thanks to clinical signs and a bacteriological examination.

Acne, in mild cases, does not require any type of treatment; in cases of moderate severity it is instead useful to clean and disinfect the affected area with a 2.5% benzoyl peroxide based shampoo or, better still, with alcohol. In addition to local therapy, according to my personal experience, systemic therapy with antibiotics is useful: ampicillin, cefalexin or amoxicillin with clavulanic acid, to be administered and for a period of at least 2/4 weeks

However, it is always advisable to ask your veterinarian for advice, or alternatively a dermatology specialist, regarding the therapy to be addressed and the appropriate timing.

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